Alloy 718,INCONEL 718, UNS N07718, W.Nr. 2.4668
INCONEL® alloy 718 (UNS N07718/W.Nr. 2.4668) is a high-strength, corrosion-resistant nickel chromium material used at -423° to 1300°F, for cryogenic temperatures up to long term service at 1200°F.
The age-hardenable alloy can be readily fabricated, even into complex parts. Its welding characteristics, especially its resistance to postweld cracking, are outstanding.
The alloy is readily fabricated and may be welded in either the annealed or precipitation (age) hardened condition. Anneal 1700 -1850°F, air cool or faster. Age 1325°F 8 hours, furnace cool to hold at 1150°F, for a total aging time of 18 hours, air cool.
The ease and economy with which INCONEL alloy 718 can be fabricated, combined with good tensile, fatigue, creep, and rupture strength, have resulted in its use in a wide range of applications.
Common Trade Names
Alloy 718, Inconel® 718, Nickel 718
AMS 5596, AMS 5662, AMS 5663, AMS 5832
ASME Case 2222-1, ASME SFA 5.14
ASTM B 637, ASTM B 670
EN 2.4668
GE B50TF14, GE B50TF15
UNS N07718
Werkstoff 2.4668
Good mechanical properties: tensile, fatigue and creep-rupture
Excellent welding characteristics, resistant to postweld age cracking
Oxidation resistant throughout its useful temperature range
Gas turbine engine parts
Liquid fuel rocket motor components
Springs, fasteners
Cryogenic tanks |