Recently, AlloyO supplied alloy 800 (N08800) sheets stock to a Korean company.
The thickness is 1.2mm.The total quantity is 1350kg.
Alloy 800 is characterized by:
•Good corrosion and heat resistance
•Good mechanical properties at low and elevated temperatures up to 800 °C (1,472 °F)
•Good resistance to oxidizing, reducing and nitriding conditions
•Good workability
Typical fields of applications for Alloy 800 are as below:
•Heating element sheaths
•Acetic anhydride cracking furnaces
It is recommended to use Alloy 800L if resistance to wet corrosion is required as a main application feature.
Alloy 800 shall be used in the soft-annealed condition up to 600 °C (1,112 °F).
The solution-annealed version Alloy 800H (N08810) shall be considered for application temperatures above 600 °C (1,112°F).